Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Two Years Left

Well, stage is winding down just as Ramadan begins--everyone here for the most part has passed their French language exams (myself included) and on Friday we all swear-in as real, live Peace Corps Volunteers!

Looking back, these past nine weeks have flown by, even if it feels like we havent really done all that much (this according to my 'normal' coneption of what constitutes work...but let me just say that holding intelligent conversations in a second or third language is incredibly hard work, thank you very much). On Sunday I leave for post and for the next three months we are all mandated to remain there as a sort of lock-down, hard core integration, sink-or-swim sort of deal. This is both exciting and terrifying but in reality its sort of like a 24 hour hang-out bonanza. This will also mean that I wont have internet access until basically December so if youd like to know whats up, call my parents (also if you would like to call me directly, get the info from my parents: 269.651.3833).

Post visit was really fun--the area is *gorgeous,* I met a few of the people who work at the health center and I had a long conversation about development, poverty, and slavery with one of my neighbors who also happens to be a zemidjan (motocycle taxi driver person). So that was pretty great. Also I have some fantastic post mates, just an excruciating bike ride away, and a fairly decent cement house given that it has no electricity or running water.

Im about to run out of time here so I guess I'll write again in December as an actual volunteer!

p.s. Sending me stuff: please do:) apparently that first address I posted is the final one so use that...also if you want to add some religious warnings on the package to discourage theft that can never hurt (write: 'Dieu vous regarde' which means 'God is watching you'). Ang, about sending me money probs not a good idea just because it could get lost and I dont want to deal with exchanging it and I get enough cheese as it is, but thanks for the thought!

p.p.s. visiting me: if you are so inclined and have the extra cash please do:)!!! Just talk to me about it so we can plan way ahead of time. I would love to see any one of you out here, let me know!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I still want to visit! I'm thinking January 2010, rather than March 2010 (I will have more than one week for travel in January, and I think airfare will be cheaper). I checked out some guidebooks from the library yesterday because I got really excited to see you!

If you're in the northern part of the country, it may make more sense to fly into Niger or Burkina Faso than directly into Benin (Cotonou or Porto Novo, at least) or even Lagos (though it seems to be $500 cheaper to fly into Lagos). According to my brief search online, the only airports in the "north" are in Kandi and Natitingou. I know there are buses available as well. Oi, I'm not sure how we'll figure all this out, especially since you won't have internet access for a while.

Will I be allowed to follow you around while you're doing your work? (I don't want you to take all your vacation days while I'm there, and I'd like to see what you do.)
Anyway, I'm excited! Once I've gotten my new computer, I'll start saving for my Beninese adventure!

I hope you're enjoying your work, new home, and new people! And the food! How is the food? I bet you'll be a pretty good cook when we see one another again! Can't wait to see you, Heidz! As you know, I don't pray, but I'm thinking of you; I'm so proud of you!

Much love,